Are you looking to buy the best standby generator for your household? You have come to the right place. Purchasing generators can be tricky. It is difficult for individuals to differentiate between average and good-quality generators.  

Today’s article will guide you in choosing the best generator. Moreover, we will also guide you about which generator might be most suitable for you. 

So, without wasting any time, let us proceed. Purchasing a standby generator ensures that you have a backup power source that can power your essential electrical appliances during power outages. 

Many people get confused when selecting the size of the generator. If you want a compact generator that can power a few essential household appliances such as TVs, air conditioners, lights, etc., then a 10kW generator might be the best choice.  

Now you must be thinking, what if a 10kW generator cannot power your desired electrical appliances? For that, we have created a list of electrical appliances that a 10kW generator can power efficiently. That list will guide you in deciding whether a 10kW generator would be sufficient for you. 

What Can A 10kW Generator Power Efficiently? 

Whole-house generator systems, such as a 26kW generator, provide a reliable power solution for your entire home during outages. This capacity can efficiently power essential circuits and even larger appliances, ensuring you stay comfortable when utility power is unavailable. By using a calculator to assess your power management needs, you can determine if a 26kW unit is the right choice for your home, especially when compared to other types of generators like the 20kW or 22kW models. 

When selecting the ideal generator for your needs, consider factors such as fuel type and fuel consumption rates. Liquid-cooled generators are known for their longer running times without maintenance, making them suitable for extended periods of use. A typical standby generator can seamlessly switch on during outages, but for commercial applications or larger homes, you may require a more robust solution. To ensure proper setup, always refer to the installation manual and, if in doubt, contact us for assistance in choosing the right generator for your home. 

Home Appliances 

  • TV
  • Laptop
  • DVD Player
  • Video Game Console
  • Satellite Dish 

Temperature Maintaining Appliances

  • Air Conditioner 
  • Box Fan  
  • Ceiling Fan 
  • Heater 

Kitchen Appliances    

  • Fridge  
  • Microwave  
  • Oven  
  • Coffee Machine  
  • Dish Washer

Laundry Appliances

  • Clothes Dryer  
  • Iron
  • Clothes Washer 

How Much Propane Does A 10kW Generator Use Per Hour? 

Generators' fuel consumption depends on numerous factors. For example, if a generator operates in extreme conditions, its fuel consumption will be different from that in normal conditions.  

Besides that, generators' fuel consumption changes due to the power load. It is different if a generator operates at half load and at full load.  

Moreover, fuel quality also plays an integral role in determining a generator's fuel consumption. A 10kW generator does not consume much fuel per hour.  

Briggs & Stratton’s 10kW generator consumes 0.7 gallons of liquid propane (LP) per hour while operating at no load. However, the generator consumes 1.2 gallons and 1.9 gallons of LP per hour, operating at half and full loads.  

What Are the Dimensions of A 10kW Generator? 

Different generators have different dimensions. A bigger generator usually produces more power. A 10kW generator is very compact and ideal for residential settings.  

The dimensions of a 10KW generator also vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Some manufacturers design a big body for a 10kW generator, while others try to make it compact.

The 10kW generator made by Briggs & Stratton is a small unit. Its assembled size is 28L x 24.5W x 34.8H (inches), and the packaged size is 39L x 33.5W x 42H (inches).  

How Much Does A 10kW Generator Weigh?

Generators are bulky, and their weight increases as their size increases. A 125kW generator is at least ten times heavier than a 15kW generator. But have you ever wondered what makes a generator so heavy? Let us explain. 

Generators have different mechanical parts, such as the engine and exhaust. These generator components are made of heavy metals, such as aluminum and steel. The generator's body is also made of aluminum to protect all its components. This is why even small generators weigh so much.  

The Briggs & Stratton’s 10kW generator’s assembled weight is 123 kg, while its packaged weight is 150 kg.  

How Many Amps Is A 10kW Generator? 

Generators produce different amperage output. Amps of a generator are determined by the voltage on which it operates and the phase of the generator. Single-phase generators produce different amps than a single-phase generator.  

Similarly, a generator operating at 220 volts produces different amps than one operating at 240 volts. Briggs & Stratton’s 10kW single-phase generator operates at 120/240 volts and produces 50 amps. 

How much power does a 10kw generator make? 

When considering a 10kw generator, it is essential to understand its power output. A generator with this capacity can produce up to 10,000 watts of electrical power, making it suitable for various applications. The running watts typically indicate the continuous power the generator can supply, while starting watts (or surge power) define the additional power required for appliances when they first turn on. For example, if you want to run power tools or appliances that have high power requirements, knowing the total power needed is crucial in selecting the right generator. 

When you choose a generator, consider whether you need a diesel generator or a portable generator. A portable generator is ideal for temporary use, while larger diesel units can provide backup power for an entire home. Assessing your power consumption and determining the size generator you need will ensure you have an adequate power solution for all your power needs. Whether it is an inverter generator for cleaner energy or a larger model for extensive operations, understanding the power capacity is vital for effective energy management. 

Understanding Generator Power 

Understanding generator power is crucial for selecting the right equipment for your needs. When assessing how much power you require, consider the amount of power necessary to power an entire home or facility. A backup generator can be an excellent solution during outages, but you need to determine what size generator do I need to effectively meet your power requirements. For example, a generator with a power output of 10 kilowatts can typically provide sufficient energy for essential appliances. 

The actual power output of a generator can vary depending on its size and the watts it can produce. While large generators may offer a maximum power output of 10 kilowatts, smaller, portable power units can also be effective for less demanding tasks. To ensure you have enough power to keep your devices running, consult a power expert to help you understand your specific needs and the units of power your generator can provide. 

A Detailed Review of Briggs & Stratton 040684 PP10 PowerProtect™ Vanguard Engine NG/LPV 10kW Home Standby Generator 

So far, we have discussed the characteristics of a 10kW generator. However, it is time to introduce you to the best 10kW generator. While selecting a generator for yourself, you should always choose a generator that is known to be reliable.  

It is difficult to find a durable and reliable generator for your specific needs. However, Briggs & Stratton’s 10kW generator is known to be reliable. People across the US and Canada install it in households and commercial settings. That too at a price of only $3,278.  

We trust Briggs & Stratton’s 10kW generator because it is manufactured and engineered in the US under the supervision of top experts. The generator's Vanguard engine allows it to bear extensive loads without collapsing.  

Besides being so powerful, this 10kw generator is environmentally friendly. It produces 50% less footprint than other generators. Briggs & Stratton’s 10kW generator is also 50% more compact than its competitors. Due to its compact size, this 10kW generator is more suitable for household use. 

Besides these apparent attractions, Briggs & Stratton’s 10kW generator has advanced features that attract customers. The Symphony Power Management System manages the generator's load and saves it from collapsing due to overload.  

Furthermore, Briggs & Stratton offers the industry’s most comprehensive warranty. The generator manufacturer offers a six-year warranty that covers the cost of labor, parts, and travel. Isn’t that great? You can avail yourself of this warranty by purchasing this amazing 10KW generator.  


How Much Noise Does A 10kW Generator Produce? 

Generators are famous for being loud. However, not all generators are noisy. The noise produced by a generator depends on its size. Generators that make more power are noisy.  

10kW generators are compact, so they do not produce much noise. Briggs & Stratton’s 10kW generator is considered an incredibly quiet generator. It operates at a sound level of 67 dB, which is not harmful to humans.  

How Many kW Is Equivalent To 10kVA? 

kW refers to the actual power generated by a generator, whereas kVA refers to the apparent power generated by a generator. We need to apply a formula to find out how many kW is equivalent to 10kVA.  

kW = kvA x Power Factor  

kW = 10 x 0.8 

8 kW  

In this calculation, we have assumed the value of the power factor. According to this calculation, 8kW is equivalent to 10kVA.  

What Are the Tips for Maintaining A 10kW Generator? 

After purchasing a generator, it is essential to maintain it; otherwise, the generator will not perform when it matters most. To maintain your 10kW generator, you need to monitor it regularly.  

Checking your generator's engine oil is particularly important. A low level of engine oil can cause your generator to seize. Moreover, calling in-house help for detailed monitoring every few weeks is essential.   


Many businesses and households install a 10kW generator due to its compact size and minimal noise. However, a 10kW generator is not sufficient for everyone.  

Before purchasing any generator, it is essential to assess your power demand. However, if your power demand is around 10kW, Briggs & Stratton’s 10kW generator is the best choice.  

Households across the US and Canada trust this generator. Its advanced features and durable engine make it superior to its competitors. If you want the best standby generator, trust Briggs & Stratton’s 10kW generator.